From the President and CEO of the Caltech Alumni Association
by Ralph Amos

Illustrated by Brian Stauffer
As we reflect on CAA’s progress and accomplishments over the past few years, a saying comes to mind: “When you see a turtle atop a fence, know it did not get there on its own.” It’s no secret that success is never achieved in a vacuum. It takes collaboration, hard work, and a willingness to change to truly have impact. And that’s exactly what CAA and its legions of members have been doing for the past 88 years.
Since its official incorporation in 1935, CAA has been working to represent and support Techers everywhere they live, work, and play. But a lot has changed since 1935. And, as the world around us evolves, so too must CAA.
While Techers share the same alma mater, today’s 25,500 alumni are diverse, global, and have a wide variety of unique personal, professional, and intellectual needs. As a group, Caltech’s alumni are evolving by the day – with today’s Techers leading across every industry imaginable from aerospace to designing web3.
When we began working to evolve CAA in 2020, we did so with a mission that still resonates today: Modernize CAA’s operations to better serve and support its alumni. This means adapting and leveraging technologies that enable alumni to connect 24/7, wherever in the world they may be. It means reimagining traditions when needed. And above all, it means delivering value through the programs, content, and services that we provide alumni.
CAA has already made considerable progress toward this mission. With the support of members, our Board and staff have worked tirelessly to foster and further alumni connection.
Here are a few recent examples:
• Launched landmark digital events including Virtual Seminar Day
• Introduced CAA’s Alumni Portal
• Introduced the e-Techer newsletter
• Convened the Black Alumni Council and laid the foundation for a new Asian alumni constituent group
• Celebrated the return of CAA’s Alumni Reunions
• Reintroduced educational Techer Alumni Tours
• Hosted the Annual Meeting of Members as a hybrid in-person and digital event
• Hosted in-person alumni outreach and networking events in Chicago and Seattle
Over the last three years, and throughout the challenges of COVID-19, CAA has worked to become a world-class alumni program that our members deserve and can be proud of. But there is still work to be done.
While networking and alumni outreach events are an important piece of the puzzle, and as we look forward to more face-to-face interaction this year in alignment with health expert recommendations including our upcoming Seminar Day on May 13 and our upcoming 2023 Alumni Weekend next October, CAA must also support alumni with programs that foster connection, content that inspires change, and services that support Caltech alumni in their personal and professional lives.
With your support, we look forward to doing so and keeping that turtle atop the fence thriving, like our vision for alumni, in 2023.

Ralph E. Amos
Executive Director, Caltech Alumni Association