The Power of Alumni

Our Mission
To ensure the success and well-being of every member of the Caltech alumni community.
Our Vision
Everyone a global citizen and champion of education, science and technology.
On Alumni Well-Being
Purpose Well-Being
Alumni liking what they do each day and being motivated to achieve their goals
Community Well-Being
Alumni engaged in the areas where they live, liking where they live, and feeling safe and having pride in their community
Social Well-Being
Alumni having strong and supportive relationships and love in their life
Physical Well-Being
Alumni having good health and enough energy to get things done on a daily basis
Adapted using Gallup’s research on well-being
Financial Well-Being
Alumni effectively managing their economic life to reduce stress and increase security
An alumni association was formed in 1897, one year after the first BA degrees were awarded to graduates of Throop Polytechnic Institute. The history of this association carried forward to June 7, 1915, when thirteen graduates of what had become Throop College of Technology banded together to form an alumni association for the purpose of creating a perpetual bond of friendship between all alumni. The name of the college was changed to the California Institute of Technology in 1920.
In 1935 the Caltech Alumni Association was formally incorporated in the State of California, and its purposes were expanded to assist the Institute by supporting and advancing the cause of higher education. The Articles of Incorporation were amended in 1968 to expand the purposes of the Association and to increase the number of directors. In 2001, the corporation was converted from a “mutual benefit corporation” to a “public benefit corporation” under California law, and it was determined by the Internal Revenue Service to qualify as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

Alumni Email FAQs
Request Alumni Account
To enhance communications and strengthen our alumni network of now 24,000 strong, we are pleased to be able to offer all alumni a lifetime email address!
Please note that accounts are available upon request to applicants who were in a degree program or postdocs at Caltech.
To get an account, please fill in and submit the below form. You can also access the form here. A new account will take one to two weeks to set up.