Process to Join the Board

Process and Overview

To identify high-performing potential Board members capable of effectively leading the Caltech Alumni Association (CAA), a large and complex organization that represents more than 25,000 Caltech alumni across the world, the Nomination Proposal Committee (NPC) receives nominations and, if an election is held, advises the Board in carefully developing an initial slate of candidates for CAA Board of Director seats that will be vacated in September of each year.

The NPC is guided by the principle that the Board should represent the diverse perspectives of all Caltech alumni. It comprises 6 Directors of the Board and 4 alumni not affiliated with the Board to ensure the CAA’s broader needs and priorities are addressed to benefit all members.

Historically, the Board’s Governance Committee (GC) has invited alums to be the non-Board members of the NPC. For the upcoming FY 2026 election cycle, we are trying something new to encourage a more open and transparent nomination and election process. For the NPC, rather than having the GC invite alums, we want alums to volunteer to serve.

The process for creating the NPC is as follows:

  1. The desired skills and qualities to be a member of the NPC are available here. Note that the qualities of an effective NPC member is different than those for being a Board member.
  2. Alums can propose themselves or someone else for a position via an online form. Reasons for the nomination must be given.
  3. The GC will evaluate the candidates and create the NPC.
  4. The proposed NPC will be presented to the board for approval.
  5. If approved, the NPC will be announced via the CAA website and the full roster of candidates under consideration will also be announced. To provide complete transparency, reasons for choosing or not choosing each candidate will be discussed with each candidate and a summary of the decision will be made public as well. However, any candidate can withdraw their candidacy at any time.

While taking account of the Board’s present composition and the organization’s future needs to develop its report for the Board’s Candidate slate, the NPC considers a set of relevant attributes including:

  • A commitment to investing the time and energy necessary for effective service
  • An understanding of complex organizations
  • Leadership, mediation, community-building, and consensus-building skills
  • Experience and accomplishment in one of the following academic or professional domains relevant to the Caltech and effective organizational management: Healthcare/ Medicine, Advocacy/Public Policy, Fundraising, Government Relations, Marketing, Financial Management: Accounting, Financial Management: Investments, Law, Public Relations, and Social Media
  • Active participation in CAA and other alumni-related activities, such as organizing events, or volunteering.

The nominations process includes two periods for identifying board candidates: an Open Nomination Period and an Open Petition Period.

Nominations may be submitted at any time using the Online Nomination Portal. Nominations received after the Open Nomination Period closes (usually late April), when the NPC has begun the current year’s selection process, will be considered for the following year.

In keeping with the spirit of transparency, the NPC will follow a process identical to the one for creating the NPC itself, as outlined above.

Nomination materials are reviewed by the NPC. Nominees and interested parties may also be invited for video interviews with the NPC. If an election is held and eligible nominations are received during the Open Nomination Period, the CAA Board will formally announce the slate for the following year in June. Reasons for choosing or not choosing a candidate will be discussed with each candidate and will be published along with the publication of the slate. However, any candidate may withdraw their candidacy at any time.
If no eligible petitions are received during the Open Petition Period, nominations shall be closed, and the Secretary will cast the unanimous vote to elect those slate nominees at the Annual Meeting of Members.

If eligible petitions are received during the Open Petition Period, the NPC will perform an evaluation of each petition candidate and publish its findings in the same manner as with Open Nomination candidates. Viable petition candidates who have been overlooked during Open Nominations may be offered a position on the board for the next year. Any petitioner may withdraw their candidacy at any time.

However, if the petition candidate(s) choose to pursue a board position via election, nomination materials and relevant information for all candidates will be published in advance of the eventual election on the CAA website during the Open Ballot Period (August – September). A ballot shall then be prepared and distributed to each CAA member during the Open Ballot Period. Members then vote to select Directors from a combined pool of candidates, including those selected during the Open Nomination Period and all eligible petitioners.

Once all eligible votes are received, the Board will canvass the vote and notify those elected prior to the Annual Meeting of Members in September. In the event of a tie, the Board shall elect one of the tied candidates by plurality vote. Elected Directors will be formally announced at the Annual Meeting of Members to ensure full transparency to all CAA members. Please note, a ballot election incurs a large cost for the Caltech Alumni Association including the costs of mailing, receiving, and processing thousands of ballots. The Online Nomination Portal remains open year around to ensure all interested candidates can be considered without the need to petition.

To further ensure inclusivity and responsiveness to its members, the CAA Board of Directors also introduced e-voting in 2022. CAA members who wish to vote electronically may do so by opting to receive an electronic ballot and communications.

To ensure CAA members are aware and have the opportunity to participate in the nomination and election processes, a brief timeline of notable events is included below

  • April: The NPC begins reviewing applications received to date for the upcoming election
  • June: The Board’s Slate of Nominees are announced
  • By June 14: Open Petition Period Closes
  • August – September (Pending Petitions): Open Ballot/Voting if an election is held and qualified petitions received
  • September (Annual Meeting of Members): If an election is held, new directors are announced at this meeting



Last updated: February 26, 2025