Will the Half Century Club events be impacted by the Eaton Fire?

  • The schedule for Half Century Club events in May has not been impacted. The fires burning in Greater Los Angeles area have had significant impact on the Caltech’s community and surrounding areas, but the Institute has resumed operations. We will continue to monitor the situation and update alumni as needed. Please visit https://fire.caltech.edu for the latest updates and information.   

Where can I find the schedule of events?

  • All Half Century Club weekend events and the most updated session details can be found on the Schedule page.

How do I register to join the Half Century Club celebration?

  • Registration is open through Monday, May 5, 2025. Visit the Registration page for more information.

How can I see who’s registered so far?

  • Check out the Attendee List page. This includes a real-time registration list populated from all guests. Use the dropdown list under “Attendee List” to view alumni who have expressed interest in specific events.

What is included in my weekend registration?

  • The $175 registration fee per person includes access to all four (4) days Half Century Club events, tours, receptions, presentations, student events, refreshment lounges, scheduled meals, continental breakfasts, and a gift for each guest. This includes entry to the Student House Alumni Dinners, reception at the President’s Residence, and milestone class celebrations.
  • Seminar Day is not included. Details and registration for Seminar Day can be found here.
  • The Caltech Alumni Association (CAA) and Caltech are proud to offset event costs to provide a ticket price accessible to as many Techers as possible compared to peer institutions. We continue to balance a highly enjoyable and valuable experience with great meals and activities included against increasing venue and vendors costs.

Is there a celebration for the Class of 1975 and milestone classes?

  • The classes of 1975, 1970, 1965, 1960, 1955, 1950, and 1945 will be celebrated all weekend with special recognition at the Half Century Club Induction & Milestone Class Dinner at the Athenaeum on Friday evening.

How do I register for the JPL tour on Thursday?

  • The JPL tour is limited to 80 guests on a first-come, first-served basis. You may register yourself and your guests during the main Half Century registration process. Simply check the boxes for all guests to add them to this activity listed on the Thursday page. Any guests added after the maximum is reached will be added to the waitlist and contacted if an opening becomes available. You may also indicate if you/your guests would like to join the group shuttle transportation departing from the Alumni House or will meet at JPL at the scheduled tour time.

What are the requirements to tour JPL?

  • JPL requires that all U.S. citizens, 18 years of age or older, present official, government-issued photo identification (driver’s license or passport) before being allowed entry. All non-U.S. Citizens 18 years of age or older must present a passport or resident visa (green card) before being allowed entry. Individuals without proper identification will not be admitted to the Laboratory.
  • The tour lasts two to three hours. The walking distance for the tour is approximately 0.8 miles with multiple flights of stairs. Tours involve a considerable amount of walking and stair climbing. Wheelchair access can be accommodated with advance notice; however, wheelchairs cannot be provided.

How do I register for Seminar Day on Saturday?

  • Visit the Seminar Day website to learn more. Make your Half Century Club weekend even better and register yourself and all guests to join!

I need to cancel my registration; can I get a refund?

  • Yes. Refunds are possible through the Monday, May 5, 2025 registration deadline. Please email info@alumni.caltech.edu for assistance processing your refund.

What is the attire/dress code for the weekend?

  • Many events will be held outdoors, and temperatures can vary greatly from day to evening. Check the weather forecast for Pasadena. Make sure to pack the proper clothing and dress for comfort throughout the weekend, including all scheduled walking tours and hikes. Business casual or cocktail attire is welcome for dinners and events held at the President’s residence and Athenaeum.

Where can I stay in Pasadena?

  • For information and local accommodations with Caltech-friendly rates, check out the Plan Your Visit page.

Where do I check in?

  • Check-in begins at 8:00 a.m. on Friday morning at the Alumni House. From the Wilson Parking Structure, head to the Alumni House located at 345 S. Hill Avenue. Courtesy shuttles will be available for guests who require special assistance from the assigned parking structures.
  • Registration tables are located on the front lawn of the Alumni House. Guest registration will be organized by each attendee’s last name. You will pick up your event name tag and a gift courtesy of Caltech Alumni Association. The Alumni House will be available on Thursday and Friday for a quick rest, refreshments, to meet friends, or a visit to the Alumni Relations Help Desk.
  • Check-in for Seminar Day will take place in front of Beckman Auditorium in front of Beckman Mall on Saturday morning starting at 7:30 a.m.

Where should I park?

  • Parking is available in the Wilson Parking Structures (341 S. Wilson Avenue), near the intersection of Del Mar Boulevard and Wilson Avenue. Overflow parking will be available in the California Parking Structure (1248 California Boulevard). There is a pay station located in the North Wilson Parking Structure and the California Parking Structure where you can get your permit first.

Thursday and Friday

  • A complimentary parking code will be provided to all registered guests to enter at pay stations.

Saturday and Sunday

  • All parking lots are open and free to all guests on weekends. No permit is required, and you may park in any unreserved (unmarked) parking stalls.
  • Holliston Parking Structure (370 S. Holliston Avenue), near the intersection of Del Mar Boulevard and Holliston Avenue, is also available for closer access to Alumni House and Athenaeum events.
  • Please note that street parking on Hill Avenue is a 2-Hour Limit from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except Sundays. The Athenaeum kindly requests you do not park in their lot due to limited capacity and multiple private events being hosted. Please use the assigned structures or street parking on Hill Avenue for the duration of the event weekend. Courtesy shuttles will be available for guests who require special assistance from the assigned parking structures.
  • Click here for additional campus information, directions and campus maps.

Where can I find accessible parking?

  • Only the California Structure (1248 East California Boulevard) has an elevator, and the Wilson Structures do not. Limited accessibility parking spots are available. Guests with accessibility placards may park in any available marked handicap stall on campus or consider street parking on Hill Avenue with your placard visible for extended parking.
  • A campus accessibility map can be found here. Courtesy shuttles will be available throughout the weekend for guests who require special assistance.

Where do I meet for the campus tours?

  • Both Campus Architectural Tours on Thursday and Friday will meet in front of Beckman Auditorium. Please meet your tour guide on the front steps. 

What is the Wi-Fi network available for the weekend?

  • Guests can log on to the Caltech Visitor Wi-Fi network throughout the weekend.
  • Network Name: Caltech Visitor
    • Username: halfcentury
    • Password: halfcentury
  • Once connected, open a web browser and go to https://www.caltech.edu. You will be redirected to an authentication page where you can enter the above credentials. Attendees with Access.Caltech credentials should instead connect to the “Caltech Secure” network.

Will the Athletics Center and Campus Store be open?

  • Yes, visit the Weekend Resources page to see the available hours. The Braun Athletic Center, Sherman Fairchild Library, and Caltech Store will all have extended hours (and discounts!) for Techers.

Campus Safety Information

  • For safety, all alumni and guests must wear their Half Century Club (HCC) event badge at all times. Guests must show their name badge to enter all scheduled events and permitted buildings. Guests are not permitted to enter Caltech facilities, Houses, offices, or buildings without permission, or an official HCC event scheduled there.
  • For emergencies, call Caltech Security at (626) 395-5000.
  • For general security questions and non-emergencies, call (626) 395-4701.
  • In case of an emergency, please listen to instructions from staff and emergency response personnel. All updates will be posted to the Caltech Emergency website.

Who can I contact if I still have questions?

  • Friendly Alumni Relations team members are standing by to assist you! Email us at info@alumni.caltech.edu.