Sean McKenna (BS ’17) In May and June, I got a taste for the state legislative process. I’m more convinced that state policy changes, via legislation, are the necessary route for implementing a plurality of proposed housing crisis solutions. I also gained experience...
Introducing ECHO To start off, I would like to announce a change in our platform's name. Perhaps it may simply be a marker of my generation, but I am a millennial… and I have been seeded by the value and importance of having a brand identity. The concept is simple, a...
A Puzzle By: Alan Deng (BS ’10), Josh Tollefson (BS ’13), and George Wang (BS ’08). Download a PDF of the puzzle. When you're ready to check your work, click here.[ba_post_list order="DESC" posts_number="3" include_categories="current" show_date="on" list_type="grid"...
How Riot Games’ Naomi McArthur keeps the peace in online gaming—and how those lessons can extend to real life by Alexander GelfandChristina GandolfoGame designer Naomi McArthur (BS ’13) might not have a badge and a gun. But in the world of multiplayer online games,...