Fires in the greater Los Angeles area have had significant impact on the Caltech's community and surrounding areas. For information and resources for members of the Caltech community, go to


Hadrian Manufacturing Tour

[ba_card photo="" photo_alt="Techers Together in LA South Bay" use_badge="on" badge_text="02/05/25" title="6:00 - 9:00 p.m." image_overflow="visible"...

Lowell Schwartz

After a full life of ninety years, Lowell Melvin Schwartz died peacefully in his sleep in Boylston, MA, on January 5, 2025. Lowell earned graduate degrees in chemical engineering from Caltech (MSC) and MIT (ScD). After a stint at Esso in New Jersey, he studied as a...

New Caltech Alumni Association Board of Directors Members and Officers Elected

  Five new members have been elected to the Caltech Alumni Association's (CAA) Board of Directors. John S. Abbott III (BS ’74), Rebecca Adler Miserendino (BS ’06), Edgardo Garcia Berrios (PhD ’11), Zachary A. Rivkin (BS '14), and Jay Turner (BS '01) will serve...

Helmut Abt

The staff of NSF NOIRLab grieve at the passing of Dr. Helmut A. Abt, reflect on his remarkable career, and celebrate his scientific legacy. He was a towering figure in U.S. astronomy: on top of his scientific research, he contributed in several critical ways to the...
Silicon Valley August Seminar

Silicon Valley August Seminar

Big-data-driven health employs the tools of genomics and phenomics (blood analyses, gut microbiome, and digital health of body and brain, genome sequence) on individuals to follow and optimize their health trajectory

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Board & Staff

A volunteer Board of Directors governs the Caltech Alumni Association. Most voting Board members serve three-year terms. The Caltech Alumni Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.[ba_post_list posts_number="4" include_categories="54" excerpt_length="250"...

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