
Past Articles

Cassini Retro Posters

Cassini Retro Posters

Cassini’s 20th century technology has shaped the future of 21st century science. So maybe it’s not surprising artists have found inspiration both the past and the future in creating inspiring artwork to celebrate the mission.

David Tirrell Named Caltech Provost

David Tirrell Named Caltech Provost

David Tirrell, the Ross McCollum-William H. Corcoran Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and the director of the Beckman Institute, will become Caltech’s tenth provost, President Thomas F. Rosenbaum announced today.

Why I Ate a Bug

Why I Ate a Bug

Neuroscientist Sam Wang (BS ’86) became famous for his hobby—-analyzing elections. Like many others, he predicted Hillary Clinton would win. Wang was so confident in the data, he then made a promise he would have to fulfill…

The Manifold Man

The Manifold Man

How Ian Agol (BS ’92) put the finishing stroke on a three-decades-old grand vision of mathematics—for which he won the 2016 Breakthrough Prize.